How can we help you?

End to End solutions for manufacturing of biscuits cookie crackers wafer and cakes including
a. Benchmarking 
b. Product development 
c. Cost effective solutions

Reports with Techno Economic Feasibility , Competition Landscape, Project Detailing, Financials which includes Input and Assumptions , Income Statement , Balance Sheet and Product Costing.

Green Field , Brown Field and Improvement of Existing Product Lines and Factories which would Include retrofitting of Equipment’s, Modification of Processes and Product Improvement wherever necessary.


Designing of Factories , Lines and Selection of Local and Imported Machinery based on Budgets.

Project Management

Partnering with Project Management Professionals which includes Designing ( Civil , Mechanical , Electrical and Automation).

The Manufacturing Software is offered as a SaaS Model or a Standalone Version. The Software will help Improving the Cost of Goods Sold ( COGS) by Efficiently Managing the Product Lines using the most Modern Concept of Manufacturing Excellence.


Would you like to start a project with us ?

JACK N JILL is confident that it can provide the right solutions for managing the Manufacturing lines to meet its long-term goals of Supply Chain.
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  • 45, Padmashri, Rajarajeswari Nagar, Bangalore-560098 Karnataka - India
  • +91 9972182654
  • +91 9880830088
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